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Saudi Arabia’s Desperate Gamble Alastair Crooke, Consortium News, 10 Nov 2017 It is always tempting. The Syrian war is coming to an end, and the losses
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Israeli-Saudi Tandem Adjusts to Syria Loss Alastair Crooke, Consortium News, 4 Nov 2017 It seems that matters are coming to a head. For many states,
Alastair Crooke, Comment, 3 Nov 2017 The ‘World Order’ visibly is dissolving.  Most blame President Trump, and there is no doubt that the US President
Alastair Crooke, Consortium News, 12 Oct 2017 There are acres of print analysing ‘will he, or won’t he’ in respect to President Trump taking military
Kurdish Referendum Roils the Mideast Alastair Crooke, Consortium News, 7 Oct 2017 One week after Masud Barzani held his referendum on independence (both the referendum,
Alastair Crooke, Consortium News, 30 Sept 2017 Plainly, Syria’s success – notwithstanding the caution of President Assad in saying that signs of success are not
Trump’s Bonfire of Washington Politics Alastair Crooke, Consortium News, 15 Sept 2017 Last week, President Trump threw a grenade into the US political structure.  Political fragments
Syria’s Survival Is Blow to Jihadists Alastair Crooke, Consortium News, 8 Sept 2017 Syria’s victory in remaining still standing and on its feet, as it
Alastair Crooke, Consortium News, 1 Sept 2017 A very senior Israeli intelligence delegation, a week ago, visited Washington. And this week, PM Netanyahu broke into President