Archive for Publications / Monographs
Tags: Arab Spring, Middle East
In the post Arab Spring milieu, the democratically elected government of the Palestinian people, Hamas, has found an ear from quarters once viewed by them
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Monographs [–] Conflicts Forum publishes longer Monographs to give a deeper historical and more contextualised perspective to what are usually more complex issues.
Tags: Hezbollah, Syria
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Tags: Iran, Palestinians, Political Islam
Tags: Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Obama administration
Tags: Saudi Arabia, Shiites
Shiite citizens face considerable religious, political and social discrimination in Saudi society. In the 1970s and 1980s, this situation has instigated bloody street protests and
Tags: Salafism, Shi'ism
Pages from a meeting held in Beirut, May 2009
Tags: Christians, Middle East, Salafism
Tags: Iran, Media
The image of Iran is almost always negative in the western media. Whether it is the BBC, CNN, The New York Times, the International Herald
Tags: Islamists, Political Islam, Salafism, Wahhabism
This essay constructs and deconstructs three main discourses created by different and opposing trends in modern Islamic thought that are normally and mistakenly lumped together
Tags: Al Qaeda, Dialogue, Diplomacy
This paper makes the argument that militants associated with Al-Qaeda speak from within the world of their enemies and possess no place outside it. Whether